I am sick at heart. In my wildest imagination I never thought I would see the day that precious life become so meaningless.
The world of modern politics is so far from the founding Fathers and the brave women beside them that wrestled famine, flood and disease to build this country.
A baby was the future, hope, dreams and everything to be treasured as families spread across the country. Infant mortality was high but babies were mourned deeply when they died. To treat them like the Pro Abortion movement of today would make those women rise up in agony.
I have watched women celebrate with cheers as they legislated late term abortion. Women are the nurturers, women who are supposed to care and love children.
What has happened to the desire to love and protect the littlest ones, the helpless ones, the one who are innocent to adult games. Who have no protector in the womb.
I watched the State of The Union given by President Trump. The women dressed in white and refused to acknowledge any of the good that has happened in the last year but then rising to dance when The President said more women were elected than ever before, glorying in their power, all I could I could think of was their support of bills that allow babies to be aborted at the last moment of pregnancy. When President Trump spoke of ending the horror of late term abortions, one Democrat, a man, stood in support and the women glared at him with such looks of hate it haunts me.
I have lived all my life beleiving in my ability to work in Ranching and Farming. I have done heavy work that was normally mans work. In 1977 I was the first woman hired by a big farm in Saskatchewan. I earned my place by working hard. I made choices and lived by them. I beleive in a womans right to choose but also to take full responsibility for decisions you make.
Women can choose any number of birth controls, they are readily available. Women can choose to be celibate if they don't want children. It has become much to easy to just write off a life as an inconvenience instead of the most amazing gift that can ever be given.
These last months have brought nothing but insanity from the halls of Power. I beleive we are so very lucky to live away from the Madness but it is permeating everything.
I pray that people will look at the baby sleeping in their crib, the toddler scattering toys all over the floor. That they will smile as they clean up the latest paint spill from finger paints and that they will hug their teenagers before they leave for school.
Our future is our children, the gift of life and love they bring is immeasurable.
Pray for our country and pray for our children......everyone of them with the spark of life and the gift of a heartbeat.