Thursday, December 3, 2015

Free Range Chickens...the fun side!

We have been watching the antics of our free range chickens and they do keep us amused for hours, we really have free range chickens. We really let them run everywhere as they choose. To us Free Range is not just a catch phrase. I thought these cartoons would make you laugh with just a hint of how modern marketing takes something and makes it something else, just to lure people in!

Of course there are a few other chicken issues I  had to add!

Take care and be well...there ain't nobody here but us Chickens!


  1. Replies
    1. I am glad I could make you laugh...some days there simply is not enough simple laughter.

  2. My chickens are free range. Among other things, this enables them to destroy my wife's flower beds, eat the dog and cat food on the porch, and poop all over my vehicles and my porch.

    I liked the cartoons.

    1. I have to admit I heard Ralph cussin the turkeys today when they sat on the little Pickup truck! They fertilize our deck and from there fly to the roof....but oh will they taste good.

    2. Not to mention destroy the garden and the by-the-house flowerbed, plus a huge batch of strawberry plants. Turns out they like iris roots, daylily shoots and herb plants, too. (sigh) They now live in a fenced-in chickenyard.

  3. Ha.....can totally relate. Thanks for the smiles, you guys.

  4. Hey the Buff's are so sweet they "never" do anything wrong....blame it on The Australorpes! Bbrrawk.....cluck.....brreck!

  5. Oh, I love it! I actually saw a label on a ham that read "Free Range Ham" - made me think of those rookie chicken farmers!

  6. I tried to let my chickens free-range when I had them, but they did so much damage in the garden and flower bed, it just didn't work for me. They loved to hang out on the shady corner of the patio, near the house. I'd step out there, and there they'd all be, all snuggled down together, and they'd look up at me like, "Well, EXCUUUUUUUSE you!"
