A grass that still amazes me with its unique abilities. It grows incredibly fast in the spring, sending up leaves and seed heads in about 45 days in late June. The leaves grow tall, then drop back to the ground forming a tent-like bunch. That gives it the name. Then as the hot dry summer goes on the grass naturally cures, storing nutrition sheltered from the elements. It is known as a hard grass.
By fall it is a sere brown, it looks dead and is ready for winter. This is where bunch grass excels. My father took me out on a snowy day when I was 12, I still remember trudging through deep snow and stumbling on the bunch grass clumps buried by the white blanket.
We stopped and he took his boot and scraped away snow from one of the clumps. Calling me over he showed me one of the miracles of bunch grass. He parted the heavy mat of dry grass and there, hidden and protected from the winter were green shoots of new grass. He explained that’s why the big bunch grass pasture was not grazed in the spring or summer. Now our cattle could go out and graze good pasture in this snowy weather. Like the Buffalo did before farming broke up and destroyed the vast acres of bunch grass range that used to cover the land where we lived. This grass is still my favorite grass but now it is far from my life and I am learning to deal with ‘soft’ grass.
This region we live in is zone 6.5, the climate is mellow. 189 days frost free. There is always grass growing. The substrata of our pastures is clover, with several fescues and a smattering of orchard grass. It is old hay land for the most part. It had not been grazed or seriously hayed for at least 9 years. We are going to use it more for grazing than hay, for us that is the best option. We do plan on some hay though, we need fine, good quality hay for young stock. Plus we do want to see how serious haying with the drum mower and Molon rake goes. Haying a field also helps clean out weeds and keeps the field cleaner.
Paddock 1....May 1st
Bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon is a warm-season perennial that is widely grown in the southern United States for pasture and hay. Like other warm-season plants, bermudagrass makes its best growth at 80-90°F. Growth is very slow when temperatures are below 60°F and tends to decline above 95°F. Climatically, Kentucky lies within a transition zone where extreme temperatures and rainfall changes occur within and between seasons. Cool-season grasses are well adapted to this zone, but forage productivity and quality typically reach seasonal lows during the mid-summer months. In most years, bermudagrass growth starts in late April and continues rapidly until mid-September when cooling temperatures limit growth. Thus, bermudagrass is very productive during June, July, and August when cool-season grasses, such as tall fescue, orchardgrass, timothy, and Kentucky bluegrass, grow more slowly.
Orchard Grass [one of my favorite hay Grasses]
Orchard Grass is an extremely versatile variety.
This low maintenance groundcover is perfect for livestock grazing and
can be used for pasture, hay or silage. It is considered one of the best
forage grasses and is also used by birds for nesting, brood rearing,
escape and winter cover. Orchard Grass is also a great solution for
erosion control and can be planted as a cover crop.
Timothy |
Timothy hay (Phleum pretense) is a common animal fodder which
is found in all states. What is Timothy grass? It is a cool season
perennial grass with rapid growth. The plant gets its name from Timothy
Hanson, who promoted the grass in the 1700s as a pasture grass. The
grass is native to Europe, temperate Asia and North Africa. The plant is
adapted to numerous climates and performs well in even cold, northern
regions. Timothy grass care is minimal in most regions. I like Timothy but Our "Hay Guy' says it is difficult to get started in this area, once its established its good but its can be temperamental. Red Clover Red clover is a short-lived perennial legume, which is well adapted to the soil and climate of the Midwest. Clover is easy to establish in cool season grass pastures and hay fields because it can withstand shading during the seedling stage better than most other legumes. However a mixed cool season grass-clover stand reduces the concern for bloat and can be maintained longer than a pure red clover stand. |
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I suppose I should not complain, we are not short of grass or hay at this point, we have a lot to earn yet about carrying capacity and the heat of summer still lays ahead. The cows are fat and sassy. They are belly deep or more in good grass.
Mischief in Paddock 1, May 15th
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Rocky in a soft weedy bed of greens, nibbling as he rests. The cows are smart enough to take rest when its hot and enjoy the bounty of the world around them. We are enjoying the learning and truly appreciate the blessing of the season. Grass in abundance is not always going to happen. Drought, early snow or even too much rain can effect our pastures. Getting our hay cut is a challenge of beating the rain and getting it dry and cured and in the barn. Life is a marvel and we see it every day.
God Bless you all and go out and look at your grass, be it lawn or hayfield, sheep or goat paddock, its a bright green delight!
PS: The poultry is loving the cows but they get lost in the grass😂
ReplyDeleteWhat a bountiful grass crop! I never realized how important it was to be able to cut and bale hay at just the right time until I started raising livestock. Your pastures are beautiful (and so are your cows!)
ReplyDeleteWe are really excited about how the cows are using the grass. Katie is actually getting plump. The weather channel gets a workout when we get close, as we are now, to cutting hay. The grass does make everyone happy, it’s bucolic therapy😁